Whether you’re an interested kid, a parent simply looking to educate your child or just generally curious about dogs, this article is perfect for you. We’ve compiled 50 of the most interesting, draw-dropping facts on dogs we could find.
Starting with…
- The most dogs owned by one person in history is 5000, that person was Kubla Khan.
- Dogs often roll in things they like the smell of, so they can take the smell home with them.
- Around half of all dogs are “left-pawed” whereas only 1 in 10 humans are left-handed.
- Dogs can actually taste water, this is so after they’ve had a lot of meat, they want to rehydrate.
- Dogs have been known to detect different illnesses in humans such as cancer, diabetes, and even predict epileptic seizures.
- Most dogs are about as smart as a 2-year-old.
- Dogs can actually have dreams and will often bark in their sleep.
- Dogs have 3 eyelids.
- The oldest fossil of a dog that was a pet is around 33,000 years old.
- It’s a myth that dogs can only see in black and white. They can see colour but only about 20% of the colours that we can see.
- The reason dogs lick you is to show that they are submissive and respect you.
- Dogs will sometimes take their treats into a separate room to eat them because they view you as the alpha male and are scared you will steal their food.
- If a dog wags its tail to the right then it is happy, if it wags further to it’s left then it is usually sad or scared.
- If a dog’s tail is straight out, it usually means it feels insecure. If it is tucked under its legs then it will be feeling scared.
- Dogs can understand up to 1000 different words.
- Dogs view their toys like a wolf views its prey. This is why dogs like toys that squeak or ones they can easily rip apart.
- Dogs don’t actually feel guilty when they eat your sofa. They are just responding to you telling them off.
- Dogs like to play fetch because that’s what they were bred to do when we first had dogs. Most dogs still have that ability inside them.
- Nobody really knows why dogs eat grass, some people think they do it to make themselves sick.
- Dogs pant to get cool air inside of them, it’s like their version of sweating.
- The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (the main dog organisation) recognise 340 different breeds of dog.
- The most popular breed of dog is the labrador. There are over 500,000 in the UK.
- The fastest breed of dog in the world is the greyhound. They can run at 45 mph making them the second fastest land animal in the world.
- The breeds “chow” and “shar-pei” are the only known dogs to have black tongues. (all other dogs have pink ones).
- Some dog breeds like the Great Pyrenees have 6 toes on each foot.
- In America the least popular dog is the Norwegian Lundehund.
- All dog breeds share a common ancestor.
- Some dogs were first bred for fighting. The daschund was originally bred to fight badgers!
- Most types of dogs were bred for farming, like the German shepherd and the Border Collie.
- During the middle ages, Mastiff dogs were used as guards and were even dressed in full armour!
- The oldest dog ever was an Australian cattle dog called “Bluey”, he lived for 29 years.
- The heaviest dog ever weighed 343 pounds, it was an English Mastiff named “Aicama Zorba”.
- The tallest dog ever is a Great Dane called “Zeus”, he is 1.118m tall.
- “Milly” the Chihuahua is the smallest dog ever at only 3.8 inches tall.
- The most puppies in one litter is 24.
- Sergeant Stubby is the only dog ever to become a sergeant.
- A Pomeranian named “Jiff” holds the record for running 10m on his hind-legs the fastest (6.56 seconds).
- Bruschi the Boston Terrier has the biggest eyes out of all dogs, they are each 28mm across.
- A Jack Russell called “Twinkie” set the record for popping 100 balloons the quickest (39.08 seconds)
- Augie, a golden retriever, has the record for the most tennis balls in his mouth at once. He managed 5!
- Puppies are born deaf and blind with no teeth.
- Puppies can only start to smell at about 3 weeks old.
- Every year, 5 million puppies are born in the US alone.
- Puppies have baby teeth. At 2-4 weeks their baby teeth will grown and will begin to fall out 10-14 weeks later. By the time they are 6 months they should have all 42 adult teeth.
- Puppies of golden labradors and golden retrievers have been known to be born green.
- Puppies can be identical twins.
- Looking at puppies can actually make you more productive.
- Puppies have a “puppy coat” which they shed after 4-6 months to make way for their new “adult coat”.
- An 8 week old puppy will often sleep for up to 20 hours a day!
- 1.2 million dogs are born every day worldwide!
As you can see dogs are amazing! Hopefully, you learned something and if you are desperate for a pooch, check out our guide on how to talk your parents into buying you a new dogs.