Pomchi, a lovable cross breed of a Pomeranian with a Chihuahua, that were bred with a view to producing a dog that was a loyal and loving family pet that has an alert nature. They are another variety of ‘designer’ or ‘hybrid’ breed of dog. Although crossbreeds have been around for some time now, there has been an increase in their popularity in the last decade.
Are you interested in owning a Pomchi, but want to know more about this fun and genial cross breed before you take on the responsibility of welcoming one to your home?
Perhaps you have heard that they are not only friendly and affectionate, making great lap dogs while having a level of bravery that belies their small stature.
Whatever has brought you here, we applaud your responsible approach to dog ownership. In the following post, we aim to help you understand what it is like to own a Pomchi with our comprehensive breed guide.
Origins of the Pomchi
The Pomchi originates from the United States where Pomeranians and Chihuahuas were first bred together and they quickly became very popular. That soon spread to other countries too, including the United Kingdom.
Although the goal of breeding these two similar breeds is to produce a dog that is alert, but friendly and does not require a lot of exercise; they are still a relatively new mixed breed and it is always a bit of a gamble when you choose cross breed dogs over pedigree breeds.
While the majority exhibit the best of both worlds, you may end up with a troublesome little pooch. It is also important, that you get your Pomchi from a recommended and respected breeder with a lot of experience handling and breeding these animals.
It is also possible, obviously, to get a Pomchi from a dog shelter. However, as well intended as this idea maybe; you may run into more troubles than it is worth if you don’t investigate and find out as much about the rescue dog’s past before taking him or her on.
With that in mind, it still may be safer, though more expensive, to get a new Pomchi from a breeder.
Pomchi Characteristics
There is no telling sometimes, what you might get when you cross a Pomeranian with a Chihuahua. However, it is not uncommon for Pomchis to be smaller than Pomeranians and to have more Chihuahua-like faces.
So, think little round heads and big beautiful eyes. There’s also something of a fox about Pomchis. Although they are very short, they still can reach a height of around 15.24 to 22.86 cm and weigh between 1 and 4.5 kg.
They are incredibly adaptable and will love accompanying you on walks just as much as they would love to lie around and chill on the sofa.
So far, Pomchis are sounding like a winning formula, especially for families and first-time owners. However, no dog breed is completely perfect and it is vital that you appreciate the good and the bad about Pomchis, before owning one.
To help you out a little, we have put together a list of Pomchi pros and cons.
- Although they are small, don’t realise quite how small they actually are and are great watchdogs as a result
- Perfect for newbie dog owners
- Although they shed a lot during the year, they actually do not require much maintenance at all for their fur
- They love being around and spending time with other humans
- They are incredibly adaptable and as long as you are giving them lots of love, attention and mental stimulation, they are happy
- They are very loyal, good-natured and fun to be around, making them ideal for families
- Although they are seen as intelligent, it is common for Pomchis to be hard and frustrating to house train
- They don’t seem to be aware of their own height and size, which could be a problem if they are left unsupervised
- Their skin is very sensitive
- If they are spoiled too much they can develop unattractive, small dog syndrome symptoms
- Pomchis are known to be barkers who love the sound of their own voice – so can be irritating
- As they are very sociable dogs that are loyal and clingy to their owners and pack; they hate it when they are left alone and often experience separation anxiety
- They are more suitable for families with older children.
If you clicked through to this post with a view to learning more about Pomchis, don’t let the pros and cons above put you off from investing in one. They are more designed to help you make an informed and educated decision.
General Appearance
Pomchis are elegant little dogs that have various inherited features from their parent breeds and have undeniably cute rounded small heads that look like wedges. While they do have very appealing big and round eyes; these are not spaced too close together or apart and do not protrude. Commonly you will find that the pigment around their eyes is darker, unless they blue, light or brown coats.
They have adorable and strokable round bodies that are also well-ribbed, but never resemble that barrel-shape that many other crossbreeds and dog breeds own. Their feet are stubby and small, but very sturdy and often you will find that they have dewclaws.
There is some variety when it comes to a Pomchi’s coat, as they can either have a double or single layer of fur, with the top layer being soft, and there being nice attractive ruffs around their necks and coarse guard hairs.
Pomchi Colours
Despite there being little variation in Pomeranian and Chihuahua colourings, Pomchis can still come in a reasonable number of different colours including:
- Sable
- Merle
- Parti
- Solid
How To Groom a Pomchi
Whether they have single layer coats or double layer coats, Pomchis will generally need a quick groom every day to keep their fur in good condition. Although it is not necessary, as we already stated that this particular breed is particularly easy to maintain, many Pomchi owners take their dogs to professional groomers a couple of times a year to help make looking after them and grooming them even easier.
Much like the average dog, Pomchis shed fur throughout the year, though they tend to shed a greater amount during the autumn and springtime. Because of this, your dog will need to be groomed more often during those times to keep them looking their best.
Pomchis ears need to be checked and cleaned regularly because if too much wax is allowed to build up, it can lead to a very painful ear infection that can be difficult to clear. Preventing an infection from occurring in the first place, therefore, is easier than trying to cure one once it develops.
The Temperament of a Pomchi
Pomchis, as we have noted throughout this article so far, is known as being good-natured, eager to please, but always ready and alert. Most Pomchis have a very curious and inquisitive way about them and are energetic and fun-loving when they want to be. However, they are incredibly adaptable and because they do not require much in the way of exercise, are just as happy to relax and chill in front of the TV beside you.
It is important to note though, that while all of the above personality traits are positive and make them sound like the most adorable little things in the world, they have inherited some less appealing traits from their parent breeds. This includes a stubborn streak and the fact that they hate being left alone for too long.
Their separation anxiety can quickly develop into destructive behaviours and as they are known barkers you may find they bark more than is desirable.
However, with persistent training, they make for great family pets -, especially for first-time owners.
Living With A Pomchi
We are delighted that you choose our breed guide to find out more about wonderful Pomchis. We would be irresponsible though if we did not encourage you to conduct your own research about what it really is like to live with a Pomchi.
This means not only speaking to breeders, which you presumably would be doing anyway if you are looking for puppies, but also current and previous Pomchi owners.
These are the type of people that will be able to answer any questions you have and will provide insight that is often not covered by guides like ours.
Part of life with a Pomchi is the aspect of training them using a training book. Incidentally, that is the next aspect we are going to discuss in our Pomchi breed guide.
Training Your Pomchi
Pomchis, as well as being friendly and fun loving, are also very smart and can pick up new things very quickly. This is because they have a deep and eager need to please you. As great as this is when it comes to training, it means that if you take your eye off the ball for too long, they could easily develop bad habits just as quickly.
Pomchis also have a tendency to be quite stubborn and willful and can develop what is known as ‘small dog syndrome’.
This is why it is crucial that you start a training programme with your Pomchi as soon as you get them home. Don’t let them get their own way and avoid.
Most dog owners develop their own specific method, based on tips and hints they pick up from other Pomchi owners. Although, a form of training is better than having no training at all, there are some hard and fast do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of.
To help you get the training of your Pomchi down pat, we have put together a list of the do’s and don’ts.
First things first, let’s start by discussing some of the things you need to avoid while training:
- Shouting – Raising your voice can be useful if you are trying to make a point. However, shouting at a dog, regardless of breed and especially not a small and sensitive little thing like a Pomchi, is never a good thing.
- Physically reacting to bad behaviour – Again, anything more than a light tap on the nose or somewhere else when you are trying to correct your Pomchi, is more or less going to count as abuse. Not only is it bad for the dog’s well-being, hitting your dog during training is not actually as helpful as you may think.
- Locking them away – When your dog gets something wrong, under no circumstances is it a good idea to lock them in another room for a few moments. Never do it, with any dog, but particularly not with a dog like a Pomchi that has bad separation anxiety as it is.
With the don’ts out of the way, let’s look at some of the things you should incorporate into your Pomchi training programme:
- Early start – It is recommended that you start training your Pomchi as soon as you can because they can develop bad behavioural traits very easily. You need to take a firm stance with your Pomchi and let them know who is boss. The sooner they understand key commands such as sit, stay, come, lie and other verbal pointers, the better.
- Early socialisation – It is also key to successful training of a Pomchi that you start socialising them with other dogs, animals and human beings as soon as you can. They can be very sociable, this is true, but if they aren’t adequately socialised from an early age, their alertness and loyalty can turn to over-protectiveness against strangers and even other members of your family.
- Be Positive and Firm – As they are known to be willful and stubborn you need to be really firm with Pomchis, no matter how much you want to take their cute fur-ball bodies up into your arms and give them love. It is also important though, given that they love pleasing their owners, that you reward them and let them know they’ve done something right, just as often as you correct them.
- Patience and Persistence – Again, because they are known as being stubborn little critters, you need to learn the art form of patience and persistence. Eventually, with hard work and dedication, you will have a well-behaved Pomchi that matches their beautiful looks.
One of the best pieces of advice we could offer you, especially if you are a first-time dog owner, is to see the training of your Pomchi as a part of the whole experience. When you avoid seeing it as a chore, you and your dog are more likely to enjoy it.
Pomchi Health Care
Crossbreeding is popular because it often helps to eliminate or reduce the chance of resulting puppies suffering from or developing health issues and conditions their parent breeds are known to suffer from.
However, as we’ve noted numerous times, there is no exact science involved and therefore, you should be aware of the chance that your Pomchi could suffer from any of the following:
- Luxating patella
- Distichiasis
- Cataracts
- Insufficient fontanelle closure
- Tracheal collapse
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypoglycaemia
- Eye infections
- Hydrocephalus
- Ear problems
- Epilepsy
Food and water and ensuring that your dog has the relevant health check-ups and vaccinations are all crucial to maintaining their health and well-being. It is recommended that you get it an automatic dog feeder to ensure that the puppy gets enough food on a regular basis.
On the subject of food, it is best to speak to your breeder, who will be able to advise you as to which type of dog food is best. At any rate, the best food for Pomchis is generally a complete soft kibble that contains adequate levels of all their required vitamins and minerals. Here is a list of questions you should ask before buying a puppy.
Getting Your Own Pomchi
Do you feel as if you have learned enough and might be ready to take on the challenge of welcoming a Pomchi into your home and family? We are glad that we have not put you off wanting to own one of these amazing little balls of fur who have so much love and devotion to give.
However, that now brings us to the question of where you are going to get your new Pomchi-shaped family member.
There are really only two options we would recommend –
- Find a reputable Pomchi breeder to buy from them
- Rescue you a Pomchi from a dog shelter
Never, under any circumstance, buy a dog from a pet store. Although this is a rarity nowadays, you may find some unscrupulous pet store owners still try to sell dogs. Avoid at all costs.
If you decide to go down the breeder route. We can’t stress enough how important it is to do research. Find a breeder that not only has lots of experience under their belt, but that comes recommended and has a good reputation.
Speak to people who have bought dogs from a breeder that you are interested in and find out what it was like to work with that breeder.
A breeder who is worth their grain of salt, will not mind you asking questions about their reputation and asking for details about owners who have bought from them. They should also be happy enough for you to arrange a visit to their home to meet the parents and see the kind of environment the parents and puppies are brought up in.
It is also important, regardless of what others say, that you feel comfortable with a breeder and trust them. Once you have found one that meets all of the above criteria – go for it!
Although you may luck out and find a Pomchi between £300 and £500, you should expect to pay anything from £500 to £1,000 and more, depending on the colouring, the breeder and their reputation.
If you decided to go down the dog shelter route. We applaud you and admire your desire to adopt a dog that perhaps has not had the best start in life. However, it is crucial that you understand how much harder it can be to take on a rescue dog over one direct from breeder.
Beyond the expected trials and tribulations of looking after a new dog, rescue dogs can often have behavioural problems or health issues as a result of them being abandoned. Often, it takes a lot more work to train and work with a rescue Pomchi so that they can feel comfortable in your home and become that loyal and loving companion you desire.
One crucial step you should always take is to find out as much as you can about a dog’s history and background from the shelter. This can be vital to determining whether you will get on okay with them or not.
Regardless of which route you take, we know that you will love welcoming such a wonderful and kind dog into your family environment.
Breeds Similar To Pomchis
Perhaps you are still interested in widening your net a little and are not settled on the idea of owning a Pomchi just yet. If that is the case, it may be worth checking out breeds that are very similar to Pomchis.
Breeds and crossbreeds that are similar to Pomchis, in terms of temperament, size and other qualities include Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, Maltipoos, Bichon Frise and Poodles.
Pomchi Last Word
It is always a big responsibility taking on the ownership of a dog, whether its a Pomchi or another breed/crossbreed. You need to be sure that you have the right environment and circumstances that will be able to accommodate the needs and requirements of looking after a dog well enough.
We hope that our guide has helped you to determine whether you have the time and space for a Pomchi in your life.
If you do though, we are convinced that you will find life with your new bundle of furry, loving joy, will be one full of great adventures and lots of happiness. Pomchis can’t be recommended enough, particularly for families and wannabe dog owners that are around the house regularly and able to give a dog attention but don’t want to always have to go on long walks.